News from JPC | Members INFORMATION
Notice of suspension of publication of the information magazine "JPC" for JPC members

The newsletter "JPC" has been delivering information about percussion instruments to everyone for 176 issues since its first publication in 1977, but we will be suspending publication after the next issue, issue 177, scheduled to be published in July 2023. have become.
Due to changes in the behavioral patterns of our members and other readers, information gathering using the web and SNS has become mainstream.In the future, we will increase our ability to disseminate information by shifting the JPC newsletter as an information magazine to a digital format. We will strive to further strengthen this.
From now on, we will aim to provide faster, broader, and more in-depth information on the online magazine "JPC MAG," which is already available to the public, from the latest information to geeky information, and aim to enrich the content.
The final volume, issue 177, scheduled to be published in July, will be delivered only to members who subscribed using the old membership system. Thank you for your understanding.