Among the several percussion instruments used in orchestras, wind band music, and instrumental music concerts, explanations are given to the orthodoxic Tinpani, the big drums, the small drums, the small drums, the cymbals, the tumblers, the triangle, the technique of playing the keyboard percussion instruments, and the practice methods.
The students learn the basics of understanding the characteristics of instruments and utilizing them in a scene in the scene.
This is a compilation of a series of "Band Journal" by Kazuki Momose, which was compiled by Kazuki Momose.
*The illustrations of the front cover are made of the bongo, but the explanation in this book does not include the bongos.Please accept this request.
*Please note that your return and exchange may be accepted due to the wrong purchase or other purchase.
Getting Started
● The performance of the basic snare drums of percussion instruments
STEP0: I met the music of the drumsolem in STEP0.
I wanted to play a big drum, but I was sad when I met my sad elementary school motive/bracband.
STEP1 UP (up): Let' s get a feeling of up!
Let' s exercise and feel the sense of up/up in our daily lives.
The STEP2 small drum (Snea drums) is basically a percussion instrument.
Hold the stick (grip) /posture/stick to move the stick
STEP3 Snea Drum-Drum-Drum
1. 1-and 2-uchi (Open roll) /5 - uchi/7-uchi - /7 - uchi-uchi (/5 - strike)
STEP4-Snaea Drum: The Adjustment Act and Basic Knowledge
Alignment of the head of the face/sound line/head of the face/side of the head/alignment/alSONOR/sound line (Snuppy)
STEP5 Stick choice
Stick is the shape of the hand and the size of the stick, the shape of the stick, the shape of the chip, the curved of the small drum.
Basics of a bus drum -
Play from the tuning of the STEP6 bus dram to the performance and the practice method.
How to tune/play basics/basics for bus drums training
● Basic and basic performance of cymbals
STEP7: The type and choice of the cymbal
Cimbal Types/Alignment
STEP8-aligned symbar play
Hand/Basic in the Alignment of the Simbales
STEP9 suspension cymbal performance
Suspended and Symbal Setting/Basic Acts
Let' s Master the Musical Instrument -
STEP10 Triangle Types and Acts
The basics of the triangle's type/way of playing, the beater, and the basics of the sweat-beater performance
STEP11: Let' s master the tumberin.
The whole thing is 'hit', 'ko' and 'shaking,' and all of 'furu' is needed/Soho 1: strike/Soo 2: Ku/Soho 3: Shawing.
Let' s Master Tinpani, the RBI's King -
STEP12 Timpani and Maletting Kind, Basic Knowledge
The type of Timpani/Tinpani is determined by the maretto
STEP13: Kakuto in an accurate tuning
How the training of tuning (tuning) is essential/instrumental tuning/pedal settings
STEP14: Correct attitudes and basic training
Basic "grip" and "posture"/performance posture/basin/basin exercise and practice exercise
Basic play in the STEP15 standard set
A Tinpani in a pair of Timpani, two Tinpani and four Tinpani in a pair of Tinpani.
STEP16: How to play the way of thinking, etc.,
Threimonation of ideas and tremolo
Practice of Key-Cat Musical Instruments
STEP17: Kakuen the position of the keyboard to the body.
First, practicing with only white keys, using black keys, and beating the central part of the center, beating out the power of the body,
STEP18: Enjoy the RBI
Music: 103 pages
Publishing Company: Music Yukiusha; A5 Edition
ISBN-10: 4276145414
ISBN-13: 978-4276145412
Date of release: 2000/6/1
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