Notice from JPC
Please be aware of the malicious fake website.

Please be aware of the fake site disguised as IBM's service, and a fraud site that posts our products without notice.
Thank you for taking advantage of the Japan Percussion Center, the Comaki instrument, a stock company, and the Japan Percussion Center.
The existence of a fake site using the company name, product image, text, etc. has been confirmed and reported.
We have no relationships with us on these sites.
If you use such a fake site, you may be able to misuse the personal information that you enter or pay for it, which may lead to fraud damage such as not being sent to the goods.Be careful not to access the fake site or to enter your personal information, order or make payments to you.
Characteristics of False (Fraud) sites
- There is only a bank transfer payment method.
- The name of the bank account to transfer the price is under the name of the individual.
- No telephone number is provided as a contact.The number of mobile phones such as "090" and "080" is included.
- A free e-mail address is used for the email address of the contact.
- A strange expression is used in the text as a Japanese word.
- The selling price of goods is extremely low compared to the market price.
Confirm the connection to
The following domains are used for communications sales sites operated by Komaki instruments.It is highly likely that the site is not related to "Komaki," "Comaki," "Japan Percussion Center," or "JPC," but it is unlikely to be a fake site.Please be careful enough to be careful.
The URL of the Komaki Instrument Company's own website
In addition, if you are using our company in bank transfer, you will be able to guide you through the following accounts.
It does not use any other account.Please confirm.
-Mizuho Bank, Branch Office, Tosa 140748
either: the name of the recipient is: a kabushigaiko kogakki or a knot (a) coma kigakki
From 00190-7-153115 Subscriber Name: Komaki Musical Instruments