Notice from JPC
Dear customers who do not receive emails from JPC

Thank you for your use of the JPC rather than the level of normal.
Mobile email address (docomo/au/softbankand you're going to use your career mail.)hotmail、Yahoo Mail、GmailWe may contact you if you are not able to receive an email from your store that you have not registered with your own store.
JPCSo, after receipt of the order, contact.@komakimusicjpYou are automatically submitting your order for your order.
We've also been able to get to the client as far as possible. The business day, as far as possible,24We are trying to get a response within the hour.
If you do not receive an email, please send your name and telephone number to the e-mail address.
The person in charge will be able to contact you by telephone.
Mail Address: contact@komakimusicjp
Also, if you can't reach your mail, please check your mail settings below.
Mobile email address (docomo/au/softbank(Career Mail) for customers who use this carrier
It is also based on a filter for mail prevention.
If you are using the anti-mail filter, remove the filter and remove the filter.@komakimusicjpI'd like to set it up for you to receive.
Domain-specified receive-by-cancellation method
NTT Docomo
*Please note that you have recommended PC mail for the registration of your email address.If you wish to change your registered email address, please contact support ( jp).
A customer with a free mail address.
It is in the spam mail folder.
We may ask you to confirm that the mail sent from this shop is automatically wired to the spam mail folder or the trash can, as a result of the anti-spam mail prevention function.
In addition, you can prevent disparation from the spam mail folder by using the filter settings for each free mail service.
-The e-mail address is wrong.
I'm very sorry, but it is possible that your customer's registered email address may be mistaken.If you have any idea, please contact us at the following time.
E-mail address jp
● When the mailboxes on the server are full
The capacity of the mailboxes on the server is capped, and if you do not delete it regularly and delete it, the inbox will fill up.When the inbox is full, you may not accept new mail.
If you have not recently been using mail, please remove the server's mail.