List of available coupons
We've compiled a list of coupons that are currently available and discounts that are automatically applied just by adding them to your cart.
< Discount Coupon List>
From the list below, you can see the coupons that are available for you.Get Coupon Code!Click to copy the coupon code!
Paste it into the coupon code input field on the checkout screen and use it. Make good use of coupons and enjoy shopping at a great price.
Free shipping for the first time only!
Period: Only for the first time shopping
Number of times you can use it: One-time only
Combination use: Yes
If you are shopping at the JPC online shop eJPC for the first time, get a coupon and spend ¥5,000 or more.JapanDomestic shipping is free!
* In addition, although it is irregular, there are coupons that are distributed only on SNS such as X and instagram. Be sure to check it out!
< Automatic Discount >
By meeting the conditions for automatic discount application, you can purchase the target products at an even lower price than the regular selling price just by adding them to the cart!
Currently, there are no automatic discounts available.
< Precautions when using coupons>
- Basically, multiple coupon codes cannot be used together in a single purchase
(However, there are some coupons that can be used together.) - If the coupon code is not entered at the time of payment, you will not be able to receive services such as coupon discounts. Please be sure to check that the coupon has been applied before completing the payment. In addition, please note that the coupon cannot be applied after the purchase procedure is completed.
- If any of the items you purchase are subject to "automatic discounts", you will not be able to use coupons (except for some items)